Robin Tinney – Kingfisher Feather
Name: Robin Tinney
Paddle Title: Kingfisher Feather
Meaning of Paddle Design: Kingfisher is a constant companion to Algonquins travelling the waterways, fishing the lakes or relaxing in the glory of a warm sunny day. They are fast ferocious hunters who are sure and swift in their actions. I find it intriguing that a bird who fishes has a wave pattern on some of its feathers! It only seemed appropriate to have a paddle that would ensure a swift and sure voyage.
Short Artist Biography: I am a member of the Kijicho Manito Madaouskarini Band from the Bancroft area. I am a self taught stone carver who dabbles in many other artistic and expressive mediums. I carve wood and bone, I bonsai trees and i enjoy creating artwork with message and meaning. I think it is very important for Algonquins to recover our cultural base and cultivate its growth. Curating Algonquin art exhibits is my latest effort to add to our cultural base.